Saturday, October 20, 2012

A I C website

I went to the AIC website. the artworks are amzoning. i want to go there if i have time. Firstly, i like the lions in front of AIC. they look very alive to protect the whole buiding. And then, some collections racall my memoty of my childhood.
when i was a child, i was sent to learn how to draw. i remember some figures, and i found them in AIC.

And, i found some asian artwork, some japanese pictures i love every much. let me recall the japanese pc games, hahahah

the collections of AIC are huge. i think it is a book include a large number of artworks during any period of human.

 i will make a plan to see it.
but AIC website, i think it is too commercial. it is not like the website to introduce artwork of institution.

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